Aries: Team Jacob
Aries, you prefer Jacob because he tends to be a little bit more of an achiever with Bella. He’s a dynamic person, like yourself, and tends to be seen as a more considerate match for Bella. He’s also a relatively direct character, something your sign can always appreciate.
Taurus: Team Edward
Taurus, you can appreciate the timeless forbidden romance trope of vampire and human. You like the fact that Edward is consistently loyal to Bella (okay, well, almost) and that he’s the most romantic choice out of the two characters. Your sign also tends to like tradition more than anything, so you’re automatically the kind of person to root for the lead love interest every time.
Gemini: Team Jacob
Gemini, Jacob’s outgoing and sociable demeanor is more appealing to you than Edward’s. You might even find Edward a little creepy at times – that’s because you naturally prefer people who are more cheerful and social. With that being said, sign of the twin, you might waffle back and forth between the two occasionally.
Cancer: Team Jacob
Cancer, your emotional side loves to be on Team Edward – for the plot, right? But realistically, your caring, sensitive personality can probably agree that there are some things that are a little weird – like the age gap between Edward and Bella, for example. You might find it hard to choose between the two characters, but your sign probably has a soft spot for Jacob.
Leo: Team Jacob
Leo, with your vibrant and attention-grabbing personality, you find a kindred spirit in Jacob. His charisma, confidence, and warmth draw you in, reflecting your own desire for passion and drama in relationships.
Virgo: Team Edward
Virgo, your sign can definitely appreciate Edward’s depth. He’s an intense, interesting character who displays a lot of intelligence – and his loyalty towards Bella wins you over in the end. It’s okay to admit that the romance between Edward and Bella pulls at your heart a little bit, Virgo.
Libra: Team Edward
Libra, your sign has a gift for appreciating balance in all things. Edward’s calm, composed demeanor appeals to you. He’s sort of a diplomat like yourself at times, and his devotion towards Bella is also a romance trope you can agree with. You also tend to align more with Edward’s aloof demeanor.
Scorpio: Team Edward
Scorpio, it’s your intensity and sense of mystery that align you with Team Edward (okay, and the fact that your sign is more vampire than werewolf, right?). You can secretly appreciate a leading love story, so it’s your instinct to root for Edward over anyone else. Plus, you might even enjoy the forbidden romance trope between the two that brought this whole love triangle into controversy in the first place.
Sagittarius: Team Jacob
Sagittarius, you’re a natural fit for Team Jacob. He’s spontaneous but also has a lot of his life figured out, which is something you can appreciate. You have a passion for experiencing life to the fullest – you’re the kind of person who would believe that Bella should live the entirety of her human life with someone who can match that lifespan instead of turning into a vampire for her love interest.
Capricorn: Team Jacob
Capricorn, you’re a practical sign. You just can’t overlook the fact that Edward is a vampire, making him much older (and destined to live longer) than Bella. Even though you might enjoy the traditional romance story between Edward and Bella, you can’t watch (or read) Twilight without considering the logical side of things. In fact, Capricorn, you might even feel that neither love interest is a great match after all.
Aquarius: Team Jacob
Aquarius, your independent, unconventional sign means you’re Team Jacob. Jacob has a lot of loyalty towards both Bella and the rest of his pack, which reflect your own community-centered values. Plus, you tend to look on the logical side of romance, so you may find Edward to be manipulative at times. Your sign might opt for someone a little quirkier and more relaxed than Edward.
Pisces: Team Edward
Pisces, you’re a romantic at heart. You’re deeply emotional and are automatically drawn to Team Edward – you can’t help it! His complex character and (literally) undying love is the ideal love story for you. It’s all about Edward’s mystery, charisma, and sparkly charm that make you unwaveringly Team Edward, no matter what.