Stay single until you find someone who fully shows up, even when it’s not necessarily the most convenient. When it matters most. When you really need them. When it’s the middle of the night and everything feels too heavy to conquer on your own. Stay single until you find someone who pulls you close and says, “Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’m here.”
Stay single until you find someone who celebrates you, in all of your iterations. Who takes you exactly as you are but also encourages your growth. Who wants you to do better because they want better for you.
Stay single until you find someone who never stops dating you, even if you’ve been together for years and years. Who plans outings and dates and vacations and dinner on the living room floor while you watch your favorite movie.
Stay single until you find someone who refuses to become complacent and comfortable. Who wouldn’t risk losing you due to a lack of effort. Stay single until you find someone who doesn’t consider your needs to be too much.
Stay single until you find someone who can’t believe they got to exist at the same time as you. Who feels so lucky to have you.
Stay single until you find someone who asks if they can help you with the dishes, with your strifes, with your pain.
Stay single until you find someone who is infinitely curious about you. Who never wants to stop learning all there is to know about you while you’re both alive and here.
Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t walk away when shit gets “too hard.” Who wants to put in the work to make your relationship not only last but expand. Stay single until you find someone who is ready to commit to you completely and knows exactly what they want: you.
Stay single until you meet someone who knows they can’t give you the moon and the stars but offers you the best of them instead. Stay single until you find someone who never stops trying and trying and trying.
Stay single until you meet someone who gives you more than the bare minimum. Who doesn’t act like loving you is a chore.
Because you’re always better off alone than being with someone who doesn’t deserve you at all. Good love is always worth the wait. Please know that.