A Mid-Year Vision Board Can Be Key to *Actually* Reaching Your Goals—Here’s Why

Friends, it’s that time of year again. 2024 is halfway done, which means I’m doing my annual mid-year check-in. This is an annual practice that helps me make sure I’m staying on track with the goals I set in January, reassess the ones that no longer feel aligned, and potentially add a few new ones to the mix. I love this process, and I liken it to checking my bank account. If I’m not staying up to date, it’s easy for me to feel disconnected and off track—and basically ensures that I won’t hit my goals. 

Camille Styles vision board.

“Where attention goes, energy flows.”

How to Create a Mid-Year Vision Board

Isn’t that nearly always the case with anything we give our attention to? From experience, anytime I spend my energy on a goal or an idea, shifts begin to happen. Recently, I started to journal in the mornings and evenings thanks to my friend Gustavo’s six-month meditation journal, Grounded Practice. It’s a simple and easy way to start the day focused on where I want my attention to flow. It also reminds me of where I want to be in the future and what’s important in the present moment. This act of reflecting and connecting with my intentions allows me to start my day productive, grounded, and calm.

My journaling practice piqued my curiosity on what it might look like to visually identify my goals and dreams for the rest of the year. This then led me to the Vision Board Kit that Camille created for Casa Zuma. While I’ve been hesitant to start one in the past, I know first-hand the power of putting an intention out in the world. I had nothing to lose, so I got to it.

Here’s how I approached my mid-year check in and added a few goals thanks to my new vision board.

Woman reading on bed.

Celebrate Your Wins

First things first: a celebration for what I’ve achieved so far. Even if I didn’t hit an exact goal at this point, but made some progress, that’s worthy of a celebration. At the beginning of the year, I knew I needed to make some lifestyle changes. While some of these didn’t kick in until the spring, like my move to no drinking in April, this has been a win in that I continue to listen to my body. Now, I’m proud to say that I’m well over 100+ days without alcohol. 

Take Stock of Your Progress

At the beginning of the year, I set some financial benchmarks and I’m tracking in the right direction. With that, I’m celebrating all the changes and shifts I’ve made to get to this point and that continues to keep me accountable and on track. Taking stock of where I’m at gives me an opportunity to shift behaviors if needed. In the case of financial goals, I start to look at my budget for meals and entertainment, travel, and my “fun fund.” Do I need to pump the breaks in any direction? Add more to savings? P.S. one of my favorite hacks is when I travel for work, I take any funds that I would’ve spent on groceries, gas, etc., and put it straight into my savings. It adds up! 

Identify What Goals You No Longer Need

I’m sure we’ve all done this. At some point, we’ve set a goal or intention and we realize it’s no longer of interest or something we desire. A beautiful part about being an adult is changing our mind and investing in people, things, thoughts, and goals that make us happy and get us to where we need to go. In my case, I had set a few travel and relationship-based goals in January and they no longer apply to me. Now, I’ve replaced them with other things that I’d love to see, do, and achieve. 

Ask: What’s missing? 

This is where I have the most fun with vision boarding. I took a look at my goals and realized that I had set intentions across finances, health, family, friends, home, travel, and even my nervous system. But one thing was missing: I didn’t leave much room for play. Heck, I’ve got an entire savings account dedicated to fun and travel and realized I wasn’t really tapping into it. I had been so laser-focused on saving money that I wasn’t allowing myself much room for play.

I used the prompts included in the vision board kit and started to think about the places both locally and outside of Austin that inspire me and/or I’d like to visit. This is a great practice if you’re like me and can tend to get a little overly frugal at times. While I have the bulk of my travel planned for the year, I’m leaving room energetically and financially for new places. 

Reflect: What’s inspiring? 

Do you have any big goals or dreams or something that you’re really inspired by right now? Maybe it’s a home renovation to evoke a sense of calm and cozy in your place. Maybe it’s a dream job at a company that has been high on your list. For me, in the most immediate sense, Saturday Night Live celebrates its 50th season in 2025 and I am setting my bar high on going to a taping. Now, if I go in 2024, great, still a win, but I’ve wanted to attend a taping since I was in highschool and I’m finally putting my energy into making it happen. So SNL is front and center of my board and I’m stoked about it!

This is a fun time to consider: what is one thing that would absolutely light you up this year?

Sanne Vloet reading in bed.

Check in: How do I want to feel? 

I thought a lot about this question: how do I want to feel on December 31, 2024? For me, the answer was calm and present. Slowing down continues to be a theme for me and to my surprise, not drinking has really helped with that. I love knowing how I want to feel so I can in turn make decisions that support those goals. I imagine myself not sprinting toward any kind of end-of-year finish line, saying yes to the things that bring me joy and peace and a heck no to everything else. As a result, the words light, calm, and rested adorn my board. 

Woman journaling.

Your Mid-Year Vision Board: Next Steps

To ensure I’m tracking toward my goals and consistently refining if needed, I’ve set a reminder to check in on the 15th of each month and gauge where I’m at. Just as I sit down with my morning coffee or matcha to journal, I’ll use this time to take a few deep breaths and check in with the goals I’ve set. I make adjustments, celebrate wins, and identify new inspiring ways of moving forward and continuing to grow.

You can get your own Vision Board Kit right here!

The post A Mid-Year Vision Board Can Be Key to *Actually* Reaching Your Goals—Here’s Why appeared first on Camille Styles.

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