20 Ways to Romanticize Your Sunday—And Make It Your Favorite Day of the Entire Week

You know that feeling when you’re on vacation and you don’t have to do anything? No emails to answer, errands to run, laundry to fold, or tasks to check off your to-do list. If you’re like me, it takes about a day for your nervous system to adjust to the unhurried pace, but you eventually slow down and feel more present without all the distractions of day-to-day life. And you realize—one of life’s greatest luxuries is taking time to rest and simply do what you want to do.

So here’s a question: What if you could feel like that for one day every single week?


Lately, I have. You’ve probably noticed that here at Camille Styles, we’re very interested in how to romanticize your life—the idea that we can choose to make life a little more awe-inspiring and a bit more beautiful as we learn to truly support and befriend ourselves. So it’s no surprise that lately, I’ve been very into the idea of learning how to romanticize your Sunday, and I can’t wait to share how life-altering it’s been for me.

Our family has been putting these changes into practice every Sunday for the past few weeks. Here’s how it works: every Sunday, from the time I wake up until about 7 or 8 p.m., I don’t work. I don’t do anything that’s a “should” or “have to.” Instead, I ask myself what I want to do that day. I ask Adam and the kids what they want to do that day. From there, we let the answer guide our entire Sunday. And it’s had major benefits for our mindsets, our ability to reset for the week ahead, and our family life as a whole.


How to Romanticize Your Sunday

I’ll be honest, this approach runs counter to our culture that prioritizes productivity at all costs. Even if you’re not “working” per se, it’s pretty normal to use the weekends to play catch-up on life—pay bills, do laundry, squeeze in whatever you felt like you didn’t have time to do during the week. Taking an entire day to rest and have fun might sound counterproductive—because it is! And that can actually be a good thing. I’m personally on a journey of unlearning my own internal narratives that say I must be productive 24/7, and this is a good way to put it into practice.


What Not to Do

If you’re interested in making this shift and learning how to romanticize your Sunday, first consider a few things not to do:

  • Spend the day catching up on housework
  • Squeezing in a little work when you have a moment of downtime
  • Running errands that we didn’t have time to do during the week
  • Making plans with friends that make you feel rushed or overly busy
  • RUSHING in general
  • Lots of shopping
  • Scrolling social media
  • Zoning out in front of Netflix binges

20 Ways to Romanticize Your Sunday

Okay, now that we’ve covered what not to do, let’s get into the fun stuff. Here’s a list of things we’ve been doing on Sunday that truly nurture our souls and help us end the weekend feeling fulfilled and refreshed for the week ahead.

  1. Go for a hike in nature.
  2. Try out a new spot for brunch.
  3. Take a road trip to a cute town outside the city.
  4. Go to church.
  5. Cook dinner together—bonus points for trying something new like sushi or homemade pasta.
  6. Go bowling.
  7. Drink wine in front of the fire.
  8. Read books on the couch.
  9. Play a card game.
  10. Journal (try these inspiring journal prompts).
  11. Pack up a picnic and take it to a park.
  12. Turn on a great playlist and dance.
  13. Try a new bakery for pastries and coffee.
  14. Go see a movie.
  15. Paint or draw—make something with your hands.
  16. Wear your pajamas all day.
  17. Invite friends for dinner—and keep it simple (or order pizza!).
  18. Go for a long walk or bike ride.
  19. Go to a museum.
  20. Take a detox bath.

Benefits of Romanticizing Your Sunday

As I look back over the past year, this practice has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve given myself—and one that I definitely plan to carry with me throughout 2024. Taking an entire day to be unproductive might sound very inefficient—because in all honesty, it is. Trust me, I can get a lot done on a Sunday when I set my mind to it. But life’s not all about efficiency, and there’s a reason why every major religion in the world teaches some version of a Sabbath. It’s because our souls long for a slowing down that allows us to go deeper with ourselves, with each other, and (if you’re spiritual) with God.

I’ve found that when I make it a priority to rest on Sunday, there’s a calm and clarity that permeates the rest of my week. I’m learning that embracing an entire day to play, rest, cook and eat great food, read, be in nature, and enjoy my life is key to unlocking a new level of joy and fulfillment. It reminds me that life isn’t about striving for more and it’s not something to rush through.

My challenge for you: choose one day of your week to stop. To clear your schedule, put away your to-do list, and turn off your phone. Add it to your calendar and look forward to it. I have a feeling it might be the best day of your whole week.

The post 20 Ways to Romanticize Your Sunday—And Make It Your Favorite Day of the Entire Week appeared first on Camille Styles.

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