How the ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’ Reboot Series Differs From the OG Movie

In 2005, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt changed the cultural landscape when they co-starred in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. This notoriously led to Brad leaving Jennifer Aniston for Angelina in one of the most famous celebrity relationship scandals. But the on-screen story was nearly as impactful. It tells the tale of a husband and wife who each lead a secret life as a spy, unbeknownst to each other. 

As their story is told through couples counseling sessions, we see that no matter how outrageous a person’s secrets are, honesty is always the best policy. While the movie had its fair share of negative reviews for the overabundance of action, little character development, and predictable story, Brad and Angelina’s chemistry took over as Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s centerpiece. Now, a Prime Video series is aiming to replicate that with Donald Glover and Maya Erskine. With that, there are plenty of similarities and differences between the OG film and the 2024 series.

Difference: Casting and Genre

Donald is known for starring in and creating Atlanta, as well as several of his roles in comedic projects like Community and 30 Rock. Maya Erskine is most well-known for starring in and creating Pen15, so this series went in a bit of a different direction than the original film. Instead of casting dreamy action stars, Prime Video is leaning into the creative minds and comedic stylings of Donald and Maya. 

This difference creates an entirely different focus in the genre of the series. While the original focused more on the action and romance side of the couple’s relationship, the reboot leans into the comedy. Because of Donald and Maya’s timing and comedic expertise, there are laugh-out-loud moments absent from the original film. 

Similarity: The Mysterious Spy Organization

In the film and the series, Mr. and Mrs. Smith both work for mysterious spy organizations. The big bosses behind these organizations remain secret until the end. While the organizations remain off-screen most of the time, they are like gods looming over the protagonists. Jane and John Smith’s fates are in their bosses’ hands. But the person (or people) behind the organizations remain anonymous, making us wonder if Jane and John are on the side of good or evil.

Difference: The Premise

In the film, Jane and John Smith get married to one another as a cover, but neither knows the other is a spy. However, in the Prime Video series, they are actually in an arranged marriage by the organization. In a way, it’s the opposite of the original premise. While Angelina and Brad’s Smiths met organically (on a mission), Donald and Maya’s Smiths are forced to live and work together as a spy husband and wife. Ideally, through their jobs, the hope is that they’ll fall into an organic real relationship. The only secrets they have are about their past — who were they in their past lives before they took on the identities of Jane and John Smith?

Similarity: Action and Romance Are in Abundance

It’s hard to genuinely combine action and romance without feeling like a forced James Bond male savior moment. But in both the film and the series, action and romance are devices through which to view their relationship. In the series, as their professional relationship grows, so does their personal relationship. Love and work become intertwined as heavy action sequences showcase how Mr. and Mrs. Smith fight for each other both figuratively and literally.

Difference: The Underlying Message

The Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie was a clear analogy for working through marital problems. A husband and wife both have secrets. When they first learn the truth, they’re furious. But eventually, the truth brings them closer together.

The series takes a much more complex perspective on what relationships are and how they can be formed. In 2024, dating apps are the number one way people meet their spouses, and Prime Video’s series treats the spy organization like a dating app. But as two people are “matched,” they must learn how to live with one another and maybe even find love through the danger. But in doing so, they question if they’re compatible long-term and if it’s love or simply circumstance. It’s a much more nuanced look at relationships that can’t simply be solved by “being honest” in an age where dating apps and situationships are king.

For those who didn’t vibe with the original Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the Prime Video reboot is definitely different enough between its casting, humor, and perspective, that it’s worth a watch regardless.

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