In Need of a Perspective Shift? Saying These Positive Affirmations Will Change Your Life

Positive affirmations, particularly positive affirmations for women, can feel challenging. We’ve all heard—whether from a well-meaning friend, a therapist, or a self-help book—that practicing positive affirmations in front of the mirror can make a huge difference in our lives. And as strange, awkward, and even uncomfortable as the experience feels—it’s true.

Behind these ideas of positive affirmations lies the science of self-affirmation theory. In essence, it asserts that when we tell (and repeat) our beliefs to ourselves, we can “maintain our sense of self-integrity.” But even with science to back it up, I’ve still felt a bit of imposter syndrome when it comes to practicing positive affirmations. It’s normal to experience doubt in those moments when you tell yourself something that feels deeply untrue. For example, on a day when nothing seems to be going right, your hair’s doing all sorts of funky things, and a zit decided to show up out of nowhere, it can feel in authentic to say “I experience beauty from within.”

Featured image of Riley Reed by Jenn Rose Smith.

Image of Jules Acree by Riley Reed

My advice? Feel it! Then take a step back, and ask yourself where those emotions are coming from. Is it a feeling of inner doubt or of comparison? Or perhaps it’s motivated by something someone said to you in the past. The point is that when we look deeper into our self-limiting beliefs, we begin to see the faults in these stories we’ve told ourselves. We begin to see how we’ve kept ourselves from stepping into the truth of who we really are—lovely and full of light. When we practice positive affirmations daily, we not only share kind and loving words with ourselves, but we start to believe them. While I won’t guarantee an epiphany from any of the positive affirmations below (but who knows, drop me a comment if you do have one!), I will say that with practice comes promise.

I’ll leave you with this invitation: read through the 50 positive affirmations below and see what resonates. If there’s even just one line that feels true and authentic to you, it’s my hope that you’ll carry it with you and believe all the beautiful truths it says about who you are.

woman drinking coffee
Image of Sanetra Nere Longno by Michelle Nash

50 Positive Affirmations for Women

1. I have the power to change.

2. I am enough. I have always been enough. I will always be enough.

3. My bravery shines in every act and every decision.

4. I am always capable of creating inner peace.

5. I am grateful for my strong, healthy body.

6. I have everything within me to reach the success I desire.

7. I gain more experience and more wisdom as I age.

8. I have a gift for finding the beauty in everything.

Every day is a new opportunity to experience magic.

9. I can create the life I’ve always dreamed of.

10. In every moment, I’m exactly where I need to be.

Cyndi Ramirez reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo positive affirmations for women
Image of Cyndi Ramirez by Belathée Photography

11. Healing is always available to me.

12. With every breath, I inhabit my strong, beautiful body.

13. I attract love and abundance.

14. I deserve to be seen.

15. My needs and wants are important.

16. Feeling my emotions is a powerful thing.

17. I can open my heart to others.

18. I have a unique and beautiful perspective.

19. Self-love is a process and I can choose to enjoy the journey of discovery.

20. Every day, I make choices that support my well-being and my self-worth.

Image of Carrie Barber by Teal Thomsen

21. I stand proudly in my truth.

22. I will always hold onto hope.

23. Growth may be uncomfortable, but it’s a journey I choose to be present for.

24. I have kind, wonderful friends and family who will always believe in me.

25. There’s no point in comparison. I don’t know their story and they don’t know mine.

26. My life is not measured by likes and followers. I find value in what is meaningful to me.

27. I can cultivate calmness.

28. I can’t change what others think of me, but I can choose how I respond.

29. I release what doesn’t serve me.

30. There are abundant blessings all around me.

Roxana Saidi arranging flowers positive affirmations for women
Image of Roxana Saidi by Suruchi Avasthi

31. I release what doesn’t serve me.

32. Every day, I’m getting better and better.

33. I embrace my glorious, sometimes messy life.

34. I celebrate each day through gratitude.

35. I am shaping the life that’s waiting for me.

36. I have the courage to go after my dreams.

37. Failure is simply an opportunity for me to learn.

38. Every day has the potential to be the best day of my life.

39. I can always start again.

40. I can get through challenging times.

Lauren Ireland drinking coffee in kitchen
Image of Lauren Ireland by Emma Bassill

41. Healing takes time, and I can give myself that pause.

42. Good things flow toward me and I embrace the abundance.

43. My potential is limitless.

44. I eat for pleasure, for health, and without judgment.

45. Today will be a success.

46. I am having a positive impact on everyone I meet.

47. My work inspires others.

48. Healing doesn’t follow a linear path, but I can still see my progress.

49. I free myself of doubt.

50. I love the person I am becoming.

The post In Need of a Perspective Shift? Saying These Positive Affirmations Will Change Your Life appeared first on Camille Styles.

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