“Luck Is Preparation Meeting Opportunity”—How the Founder and CEO of Táche Gets It Done

With new brands launching online every day, it takes a particularly special and innovative idea to stand out from the rest. Táche Pistachio Milk is just the sort of unicorn product that, as Forbes puts it, is disrupting the plant-based industry. While I first heard about Táche in a podcast episode in early 2021, Roxana Saidi had been working on the idea for the pistachio milk brand since 2015.

Within a few months of that first introduction, the cool and quirky branded pistachio green carton was showing up everywhere for me. Word of Táche had spread from my social media feeds, to the coffee shops I frequented, to even spotting Queer Eye star, Antoni Porowski, pouring Táche into his go-to smoothie.

The growth of Táche is no random luck, it’s Roxana’s vision, strategy, and dedication to the brand that has led to her success. But Táche isn’t Roxana’s first foray into the entrepreneurial world. Before Táche, Roxana founded her own social media agency, Rx Social, working with brands like Fred Segal, Harry’s, and Fairmont Hotels. The experience furthered her passion for storytelling and introducing the world to unique and cutting-edge brands.

We chatted with Roxana about all things Táche, including her favorite ways to use it and the morning fuel that energizes and inspires her busy days.

What inspired you to start táche?

While growing Rx Social in the early 2010s, my home state of California was experiencing the worst drought on record. Coincidentally, this was also during the rise of almond milk. I was thrilled to see a non-dairy milk alternative that wasn’t obtained from soy or rice, but I was impacted when I learned just how much water it takes to produce.

As a first-generation Iranian-American, pistachios have always been incredibly meaningful.

With rich cultural significance in the Middle East, where pistachios have been grown for thousands of years, the crunchy green nut is also harvested in California. In 2015, I began making pistachio milk at home as an alternative to almond milk—notably notorious for depleting massive amounts of water.

How did Táche come to be?

I have founded two companies, one was a success and one was a failure, so I wanted to be sure that this would be a success. Before launching Táche, I spent five years going over every single detail to build an elevated yet quirky product for an untapped market that I knew people would love. I poured over every book, article, and podcast I could find to be as prepared as possible. 

I recognized the opportunity and incredible potential for what I was doing, so I brought my father (a 4x former founder in Silicon Valley), out of retirement to support me in creating Táche along with Kyle Henry as co-founder. Not only is it competitive to enter the alternative milk space, but the barriers to entry are enormous. To create a barista-friendly plant-based milk, you have to make 250,000 units right out of the gate. No one will make your product at a lower volume than that. So I had to completely scale the business before we could even launch. 

I wanted Táche to have a completely different look and feel and be antithetical to all the other alt-milks options out there. I’m most excited to show today’s consumers that pistachios are an incredible ingredient whose versatility can make your everyday go-to’s and recipes even more delicious.

Building Táche has been a true passion project, one that has allowed me to truly embrace family traditions during trying times. I couldn’t be more proud of the final product.

What has been your biggest learning since launching Táche?

We’re only a year and a half old but there have already been a number of lessons. I come from a long lineage of entrepreneurs who have shaped my understanding of what it means to lead a business with intention.

One of those lessons is that it’s my job to efficiently solve problems and expect that there will be challenges every day. I have very little internal resistance to issues springing up because I’ve learned to anticipate them on a daily basis. This has also helped me grow with respect to grit and resilience.

Roxana Saidi’s Morning Routine

What time is your wake-up call?

Pre-pregnancy, I would wake up at 6 a.m. These days it’s closer to 7:15 a.m. to account for all the wake-up calls throughout the night (thanks compressed bladder!). I try to get at least seven hours of sleep per night. 

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

I check texts and any missed calls, The New York Times, and the weather typically all in under three minutes. Then I make my way to the kitchen to turn on our La Marzocco Linea Mini, the ultimate espresso machine.

My version of starting the day with water and lemon or meditating is starting up my Linea Mini.

It takes about 15 minutes to warm up which gives me 15 more minutes of cozy bed time. Once it’s ready, we use it to make Táche lattes and cappuccinos, as well as hot water for Táche matcha and chai. Right now, we’re enjoying Pistachio Milk Pumpkin Spice Lattes which are so delightful for fall and not overly sugary. Once I have my beverage, I check my email and turn on Good Morning America. 

Pistachio Milk Pumpkin Spice Latte

1 cup Brown sugar
6 3/4 oz Hot water
1 cup Pumpkin puree
1 tsp Cinnamon ground
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp Ginger ground
1/2 tsp Cloves ground
1/3 tsp Nutmeg ground
1/8 cup Tahini paste
Original Táche

To make the syrup, mix the brown sugar with hot water until dissolved. Add pumpkin puree and spices, mix and simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat and add the tahini, mix. All mixture to cool and store in fridge. To use in lattes, add 1oz of syrup and mix with double espresso shot, stirring thoroughly. Top off with a generous amount of steamed Original Táche.

What morning rituals set you up for success?

I usually wake up just before my alarm goes off. I’m very intentional about not checking my email right when I wake up. I stopped checking social media first thing in the morning about seven years ago and it made all the difference in my morning and my mood. 

Most mornings I strive to have some quality time with my husband by going on a walk together. We live in Dumbo, which is right along the water in Brooklyn looking out to Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. Dumbo is great because it’s neighborhood-y and has several parks and walking paths along the East River. After our walk, we head to the office and I review my meetings for the day and skim my notes in my notebook—a gift from All Places, our law firm which is a business and legal strategy firm by women and for women.

Describe your morning beauty routine from start to finish: 

To cleanse, I use the Rose cleanser by Organic Pharmacy (Persians have an affinity for rose anything!) or Vitamin C Lactic Cleanser by Sanitas. I apply Caudalie’s Vinoperfect Serum next. This is the one consistent “empty” in my regimen. I always use it all to the last drop. Ten years strong and still big on La Mer’s Crème de la Mer in the drier months and Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré in the warmer months.

At night, I use Caudalie’s Vinoperfect Brightening Glycolic Night Cream which is so good. After moisturizer I use Charlotte Tilbury’s Unisex Healthy Glow when I feel like I need a little extra warmth. The last layer is Josh Rosenbrook’s Nutrient Day Cream with broad spectrum SPF 30. This is a must. If I have a shoot or want to be extra hydrated, I use my friend Charlotte’s Dieux Eye Mask or Tatcha’s Face Mask. I get facials at Karine Kazarian in Greenwich Village as often as possible as they are the best in NYC, hands down. 

In terms of hair, I use Davines or Kerastase for shampoo and conditioner. One of the great aspects of being pregnant is what it does for your hair and nails! Your nails grow like weeds and you can get away with washing your hair just 1-2/week and it looks great. I use Christophe Robin’s Cleansing Mask when I have time and love Davines’ hair texturizer. You can find me wearing Crown Affair’s green silk scrunchie sometimes because it’s chic and almost exactly Táche green!

What does a typical day look like for you? 

As cliché as it sounds, every day is different. Being a founder tends to take you in many directions in a single day. The one constant is that I flex in and out of many differentiated duties ranging from branding to office hours to board meetings. It’s ever-evolving and a lot of fun to see how my role evolves as the company grows. This time last year, we were a team of just four and now we’re a team of 10. Every year my role changes in a lot of ways but our mission and values always remain consistent. 

What do you eat for breakfast?

Now that fall is just around the corner, Táche’s Maple Tahini Overnight Oats are on heavy rotation to get me in the cozy mood! Major plus that this recipe keeps me and baby girl full all morning: 

  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 cup Táche Original Blend
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp tahini
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp chopped pistachios
  • 1 tsp cacao nibs
  • ½ banana sliced 
  1. In a saucepan, add the rolled oats, water, Táche, salt, and cinnamon. Slowly cook over medium-low heat until thick and creamy.
  2. Serve in a bowl topped with sliced bananas, maple syrup, chopped pistachios, and cacao nibs. Enjoy!

What are your favorite ways to use Táche?

Táche is so versatile, so I use it in a variety of ways spanning savory to sweet. I mix it in oatmeal, smoothies, and in matcha lattes to start out the day and use it in pancakes, French toast, or waffles on the weekend. It’s a great alternative to dairy in baking and cooking. We’ve even used it in mashed potatoes and mac ‘n cheese, which is delicious! I love making this Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie on the weekend and dunking it in some Táche.

What will we always find in your refrigerator?

We have a whole row dedicated to Táche: Original, Unsweetened, Vanilla, and Unsweetened Vanilla. We go through about a carton a day when we’re home.

There’s always a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Growing up in California, you’re spoiled with great produce so I go to the farmers market as much as I can. We make fresh squeezed blood orange juice and plain orange juice. There are always swaps happening with our friends who also have beverage brands like De La Calle, Aura Bora, Ghia, and Olipop. You’ll also always find new products in R&D in our fridge which are the most exciting

What’s always on your nightstand?

Pictures of family and friends, Frederic Malle Linen spray, a Nette candle, and lots of books. Right now I’m reading Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami, Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, and Expecting Better by Emily Oster.

How would you describe your personal style?

My style is French-leaning and timeless with an edgy or masculine twist. These days, it’s a lot of what’s comfortable as I’m eight months pregnant. But overarchingly, Phoebe Philo is my personal style icon. 

What’s your daily uniform?

During my pregnancy, I’ve been living in Dôen and Matteau dresses. They are pulled together while still remaining comfortable. I also love Storq for WFM days. It’s some of the softest pregnancy items I’ve come across! 

Dôen Magnolia Dress

The Kate Bumpsuit

If you had one extra hour every morning, how would you use it? 

I would do a trifecta of journaling, meditation, and yoga. How dreamy!

If you could pin your success down to one thing, what would that be?

Self-discipline. As challenging (and unglamorous) as it can be to work on Saturdays or miss birthday celebrations, being extremely self-disciplined creates the habits and preparation needed for success in my opinion.

As they say, luck is the result of preparation meeting opportunity.

Sentence Finishers:

I never leave the house without: SPF. At least that’s the goal! 

If there were more hours in the day, I would: Read and write more. I love to read and write but there’s just never enough time.

Bath or shower: I love both, but I’ll go with a bath. My favorite product would have to be Frederic Malle’s body wash.

Healthiest morning habit: Not scrolling on social media on my iPhone. 

Worst morning habit: Skipping a full glass of water and heading straight for the coffee!

The book I always recommend: Who: The A Method for Hiring by Geoff Smart and Randy Street.

One trait you need to succeed in life is: The ability to pivot quickly and strategically. 

One thing I want to be known for is: Supporting and empowering other women. 

The post “Luck Is Preparation Meeting Opportunity”—How the Founder and CEO of Táche Gets It Done appeared first on Camille Styles.

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