The moon in Pisces connects with brilliant Uranus in Taurus at 12:00 AM, which may give us an unexpected moment of inspiration! Mercury in Gemini mingles with lucky Jupiter in Aries at 3:44 AM, perhaps bringing exciting news… Watch out for exaggerations, but do enjoy the buzzing social atmosphere. Creativity flows as the moon meets Neptune in Pisces at 3:21 PM. The moon connects with Venus in Taurus at 7:11 PM, inspiring an affectionate energy, and deep bonds can form as the moon mingles with Pluto in Capricorn at 8:01 PM. The moon squares off with the sun in Gemini at 11:11 PM, which could find us making an important choice. The moon enters Aries at 11:37 PM, and we’re feeling playful…and perhaps a touch competitive, too!
All times ET.
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Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter, currently in your sign, Aries, bringing fun, optimism, and a busy energy around communication! The moon enters your sign, encouraging you to connect with your emotions and focus on self love. Eat a nourishing meal, spend time with loved ones, and reconnect with nature!
Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Aries, making it a powerful time to connect with your inner voice and explore your imagination. Big dreams can become reality! The moon in Pisces connects with your ruling planet Venus, which is now in your sign, Taurus, inspiring an easygoing atmosphere. The moon enters Aries, encouraging you to catch up on rest.
Your ruling planet Mercury, which is currently in your sign, Gemini, connects with Jupiter in Aries, which can find you connecting with an exciting social circle, and you’re especially energized to network as the moon enters Aries later today. It’s a powerful time to reflect on your hopes and dreams for the future.
Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Aries, which can find you feeling especially popular! Your intuition could lead to great success. The moon in Pisces meets Neptune in Pisces, perhaps finding you inspired by a new idea. The moon enters Aries, and you’re focused on your career.
Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Aries, bringing a fun atmosphere to your social life! You could be making an important decision as the moon in Pisces squares off with the sun in Gemini. The moon enters fellow fire sign Aries, which can find you exploring new opportunities.
Your ruling planet Mercury, currently in Gemini, connects with Jupiter in Aries, which can find you in the midst of exciting negotiations. The moon meets Neptune in Pisces, bringing a romantic, day-dreamy atmosphere to your relationships. The moon enters Aries, which can find you and your partners discussing finances or other shared resources.
Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Aries, which can find you having inspiring conversations with your partners. The moon in Pisces connects with your ruling planet Venus, currently in Taurus, inspiring a helpful atmosphere. The moon enters Aries, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart and encouraging connection.
Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Aries, inspiring optimism and progress! The moon in Pisces connects with your ruling planet Pluto, currently in Capricorn, which can find you having especially deep connections with people. The moon enters Aries, and you’re in a busy mood, eager to get reorganized and accomplish your goals.
Mercury in Gemini connects with your ruling planet Jupiter, currently in Aries, inspiring a fun atmosphere in your relationships and social life! The moon in Pisces meets Neptune in Pisces, and you may be in a sensitive, nostalgic mood. The moon enters Aries, illuminating the romance and creativity sector of your chart!
Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Aries, inspiring a productive and open-minded atmosphere around communication! The moon enters Aries, which can bring your focus to home and family. You may be in the mood to reorganize your space and create more room for yourself.
The moon in Pisces connects with your ruling planet Uranus, currently in Taurus, which can find you reimagining your approach to themes like wealth and security. Mercury in Gemini connects with Jupiter in Aries, inspiring a fun, social atmosphere, and the moon enters Aries, bringing communications your way.
Mercury in Gemini connects with one of your ruling planets, Jupiter, now in Aries, which can bring exciting news and conversations about themes like money or security. The moon meets your other ruling planet, Neptune, in your sign, encouraging you to connect with your inner voice and spirituality, or to make or enjoy art. The moon enters Aries, which can shift your focus to finances.
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