Column: Understanding and addressing PTSD – Southgate News Herald

June is National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness (PTSD) Month, an opportunity to educate people and help connect those in need with proper treatment. PTSD has been on the minds of humans since early recorded history. From claims of nightmares and soldiers being “hexed by ghosts” after battle, there is evidence that people at least knew traumatic events resulted in changes in mood.

The mental health condition is the direct result of experiencing or witnessing traumatic events. Often these events are life threatening and catastrophic such as combat or assault. Other times they are traumatic such as death of a loved one or an accident. They can be symptoms of a greater problem, for example, a foster child losing their teddy bear after leaving one foster home and going to another.

Many people who experience traumatic events may have some difficulty coping and adjusting, but with time and self-care, it can get better. However, if symptoms get worse or persist for months or even years, and interfere with daily functioning, this can be a signal of PTSD.

Experiencing trauma of some kind is common. It is estimated that 60% of men and 50% of women report at least one trauma in their lives, according to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). But trauma doesn’t necessarily result in PTSD. Out of the larger number of people who have experienced trauma, only a small percentage will develop PTSD, approximately eight million people in the U.S. each year the VA reports.

While it can occur in anyone at any age, women are twice as likely as men to have PTSD largely because of experienced trauma, five out of 10 women experience a traumatic event. Three ethnic groups – U.S. Latinos, African Americans, and Indigenous people – are disproportionately affected and have higher rates of PTSD than non-Latino whites.

Symptoms of PTSD range from person to person. This often depends on the triggering event. Some more universal symptoms may include nightmares, flashbacks (reliving the event), depression, anxiety, substance use, mistrust, and numbness. There may be physical issues as well such as sleeping too much or not enough, memory issues, and being easily startled. PTSD can also cause individuals to struggle with thoughts of suicide. There can be symptoms related to the specific incident such as avoiding certain people, places, or things.

Because the causes, triggers, and symptoms of PTSD are deeply personal and individualized so are the treatments. Treatments can be medical and/or psychological. Psychotherapy is a leading treatment for PTSD. This can include talk therapy along with other evidence-based practices (EBPs). EBPs are tested and validated methods for providing therapy. One of these includes Prolonged Exposure, which is a means to gradually revisit the trauma over a period of 15 weeks to reduce symptoms and sensitivity to the memory. Some individuals may work with the treatment provider to pair medications with therapy. Some medications that help with PTSD include anti-anxiety medication and anti-depressants.

As with many other mental illnesses, there is stigma associated with PTSD. Sufferers may struggle with moving forward, they may hear unhelpful suggestions such as “it could have been worse” or “it has been years, why are you still upset about this?” It is important for us to be compassionate and empathic to the experiences of others. What may be a small bump to one person can be devastating to another.

With a combination of treatment, compassion, and empathy, PTSD can be managed for a healthy, happy life.

For additional information on treatment or to make an appointment please contact Hegira Health, Inc at 734-458-4601. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, please contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Be kind to one another and be kind to yourself.

Matina Fabian, LMSW has been a licensed social worker for over 10 years and serves as the Administrator of Adult Outpatient Services at Hegira Health Inc. Matina is also a Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug counselor and a Certified Clinical Supervisor.

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