A 30-day walking plan to jumpstart weight loss and boost your mental health – Yahoo News

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For many, the laid-back vibe of summer allows for some wiggle room in our schedule to refocus on our health. It’s no secret how much our physical and mental health has suffered over the past few years. So it’s time to show ourselves some compassion. That’s why this month we are getting back to basics and focusing on small, actionable changes (like a daily walk), which is something that I always advise my weight-loss clients to do.

Walking isn’t just great for physical health; psychologically, walking helps relieve stress and increase mindfulness, according to research. In fact, I encourage many of my weight-loss clients to add in a transition walk in the early evening to ease them from their work mode or daytime mode into their evening mode. The mental benefits alone can shift your outlook and make you feel more relaxed for the evening!

I created a very accessible walking workout plan this month — nothing strenuous! — to help you get moving again after being sedentary or move your body in a way that feels good. Plus, this workout can be a mental break and give you much-needed “me” time.

A 30-day walking plan for summer

The first half of the plan we will focus on making 20-minute daily walks a habit. The weekly mental health challenges will help get your head in the game and help you release any stress or anxiety that you’ve been carrying. The second half of the plan we will incorporate a strength-training routine to support your cardio plan.

Download a printable calendar here. 

start today walking plan calendarstart today walking plan calendar
start today walking plan calendar

Although simple, walking has tons of health benefits, both physical and mental. A daily walk is associated with cardiovascular health benefits and weight loss, and if done consistently, walking can improve your cholesterol levels and blood pressure and slow bone decay.

Walking is also an accessible mental-health tool that we can all employ. Walking has been shown to relieve stress and increase mindfulness if done in an intentional way, and can even help treat symptoms of depression and anxiety. Of course, walking can always be done on a treadmill or an indoor track, but if the weather permits where you live, grab a water bottle and get outside for some fresh air. Giving yourself the time to take a stroll and absorb your surroundings — even if it’s just for a few minutes each day — can do wonders for your mental health.

  • Walking workout 1: 20-minute slow walk. Get moving and focus on breathing, form and clearing your head. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Pump your arms as you walk. Step one foot in front of the other mindfully, pressing down with your full foot and being cognizant of not walking on your toes or striking too hard with your heel. If you’re feeling bored with this, try taking a different route or finding an inclined surface to vary your routine. But make sure to keep it simple and focus on your breathing.

  • Walking workout 2: 20-minute speed-it-up walk. We’ll speed things up slowly and mindfully. First, clock yourself at a normal pace for 4 minutes. Then speed up and walk briskly for 4 minutes. Alternate for 20 minutes total. If this starts to get easy, quicken your pace or increase the amount of time you spend walking briskly. Or, if you don’t like keeping track of time, keep track by blocks or mileage. After 4 blocks of regular pacing, speed up for 4 blocks.

  • Step it up: Are you ready to step it up during your walk? Here are some options that I’ve added to my walks over the years and recommend to my clients: Use wrist weights and pump your arms to not only tone and strengthen your arm muscles, but also increase the cardio workout of the walk. Strap on ankle weights to add in strength training of the lower body, making it more challenging to take a step! Every other block, or every 100 steps, change it up and do butt kicks or high knee marching instead of traditional walking. Alternate between regular walking and butt kicks or marching to loosen up your hip flexors, stretch your quads and improve your balance.

Mental health weekly challenge

Contrary to popular belief, physical and mental health are not completely separate entities. Moving more can help improve your mood and decrease your risk of depression, according to Harvard Medical School. And you can give this benefit an even bigger boost by purposefully engaging in mental health exercises while you move your body.

Below are some simple ways to shift your mindset and de-stress during your daily walking workouts.

  1. Pick a one-word mantra and spend time focusing on it during your walk. It could be something like PEACE, STRENGTH or RELAXATION.

  2. Pick a natural element, like the sun, trees or the wind, and whenever your mind starts stressing and wandering, bring yourself back to that element.

  3. Listen to a positive podcast while on your walk. This could be about creating a positive mindset or about any topic that makes you happy.

  4. Take a break during your walk to take some deep breaths while stretching. Focus on the inhale and exhale, letting any thoughts that’s come to mind simply pass through.

Strength-training routine

After two weeks of doing the walking workouts, we’re going to add in strength training a few days a week. We will focus on mastering form and building foundational strength.

Strength training won’t only help build muscle; it can also help prevent injury and reduce pain while performing cardio exercises. Adding this ten-minute circuit to your walking workout will increase your strength, tone your muscles and up your calorie burn.

10-minute strength training circuit

Every other day we’ll add in strength training exercises that you can easily do before, during or after your walk. These six exercises require no equipment and work your entire body and improve balance. Best of all you can do them anywhere along your walk — inside or outside!



Stand straight with your hands on your hips. Open your feet as wide as your hips. Bend your knees and sit back as if you are sitting into a chair, then press down through the heels to come up to standing. You can modify this by only squatting halfway, or by doing a squat against the wall! Repeat five times.

Marching bridge exerciseMarching bridge exercise
Marching bridge exercise

Marching bridge

This exercise challenges the low back and core, forcing them to stabilize while the lower body is moving. Lying on your back, bend your knees and open your feet as wide as your hips. Relax the arms by your sides. Pull the naval in toward the spine as if you’re zipping into a tight pair of pants. Slowly roll the hips up, then low back, then mid-back off the ground. Press down through the feet, then lift the right foot off the ground as if you’re beginning to march. Return the right foot to the ground and then lift your left foot. Keep the hips steady as you lift each foot off the ground. You can place your hands on your hips to ensure that they are staying stationary.

Plank into downdogPlank into downdog
Plank into downdog

Plank into downdog

Come onto your hands and knees, opening the hands as wide as the shoulders and the knees as wide as the hips. Pull the abs in and step the feet back to come up into a plank position. Make sure the shoulders stay over the wrists and you spread the fingers out wide. Keep your back flat and try not to allow it to sag or round. Keep your abs drawn in to support your back. Then press your hips up and back into a downward facing dog. Reach the heels toward the floor. Externally rotate the shoulders so that the shoulders are not hunched up to the ears. Hold for a breath, and then exhale to come back into plank. Hold for a breath, and then repeat 10 times.

Seated oblique twist exerciseSeated oblique twist exercise
Seated oblique twist exercise

Seated oblique twist

Sit on the ground with your legs bent and feet on the ground. Slowly roll down a couple of inches so that you are balancing on your sitz bones. Place the hands together at your chest and squeeze the inner thighs together. Pull your naval in toward the spine, and twist to the right, reaching the hands together to the outside of the right knee. Come back to center, and twist to the left. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Knee Raise into Backward Leg LiftKnee Raise into Backward Leg Lift
Knee Raise into Backward Leg Lift

Knee raise into backward leg lift

Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, place your hands on your hips for balance. Bring the left knee up toward your chest to a 90-degree angle. Then slowly lean forward as you bring the knee down and extend the leg straight back behind you. If needed, you can tap the right toes onto the ground to steady yourself in between the knee raise and the backward leg lift. Repeat five times on each side.

Calf raisesCalf raises
Calf raises

Calf raises

This exercise helps work on balance and build the muscles of your lower legs. Stand with your feet as wide as your hips with hands on your hips or touching a counter for balance. Shift your weight forward onto your toes and come up onto your tip toes to work the calves. Then place the feet down flat, and rock the weight back into the heels. Repeat this five times.

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