In the grip of stress: how to help yourself and your loved ones – The Times Hub

 Under stress: how to help yourself and your loved ones

We live in difficult times. Who would have thought that a brutal war would return to Europe and affect the whole world. Hundreds of thousands of repatriates from Ukraine live in Israel, whose relatives, friends and relatives are under shelling and bombing today. And it doesn’t go unnoticed. People, without looking up, watch and read the news, communicate with relatives. Sometimes it just drives you crazy. How to be in such a situation? How to maintain sound thinking and not harm yourself, your family and children? We talked about this with a psychiatrist at the Maccabi Health Insurance Fund. Dr. Inna Simonova, Head of the Department of Mental Health for Children and Youth and Director of the District Children’s Psychiatric Clinic “Maccabi” in the Northern District.

 In the grip of stress: how to help yourself and to your loved ones

1. There is a war in Ukraine. Many Israelis have relatives and friends living there, who are now under shelling and bombing. People are in a panic. How should one act in such circumstances? How to maintain peace of mind?

– War – it is always a tense and stressful situation for all sides, both for those who are fighting and for those who are far from the fighting. Many have relatives, families, friends in Russia and Ukraine. It must be said that even Israeli children, who by and large have nothing to do with either Russia or Ukraine, also experience panic, they see war, refugees. I have already met some of these children – they ask the question: can this happen to us? This situation affects all of us.

First of all, we need to protect children from stress, because it is much more difficult for them to survive it. They need to be less involved in what is happening. Of course, it is more difficult to hide information from teenagers, so it is worth talking frankly about events with them. It is necessary to explain to them that they are in a safe place, in a protected area. Israel is not directly involved in this war, we are trying to help with humanitarian aid, but, by and large, nothing threatens us. Try to distract them from the situation and discuss this topic as little as possible.

Younger children do not read or watch the news on their own. Advice to parents: do not turn on TV with news about bombings, destruction, etc. in front of children. right after coming home.

 In the grip of stress: how to help to yourself and your loved ones

It is necessary to occupy children as much as possible with reading, music, communication on abstract topics, and focus less on military news. And of course, if children ask questions, you need to answer them. Children need stability and a sense of control. If the child is very tense, his sleep is disturbed – psychologists and group therapy will help them cope with this.

2. What should adults do in this situation?

– Adults who have relatives and friends there should seek psychological or psychiatric help if they feel they are losing control of themselves.

Please note! For members of “Maccabi” a telephone center for information, psychological and medical support was opened, operating in Russian, Ukrainian and in Hebrew. *3193

 In the grip of stress: how to help yourself and others close

In the center you can get advice from a nurse or a social worker, psychological assistance, as well as detailed information about the services of the Maccabi Health Insurance Fund.

there is a psychological support service:

3 telephone conversations with a psychologist | No direction | Free

Call *3028

Maccabi Health Insurance Fund at your service >>> link words! Don’t post this long link

Adults who don’t have friends or family there shouldn’t be overly immersed in war news, everything should be in moderation. A person needs to be interested in what is happening in the world around him, but not completely immerse himself in the news and counting the victims. We can’t really help. Israel, like the whole world, provides humanitarian assistance whenever possible, sends missions there, and whole groups of psychologists and psychiatrists are organized to help people.

3. Or maybe there are some psychological exercises, meditations. Sometimes you have to wait a long time to see a specialist. What can a person do right now?

– Meditation – this is not a very simple way at all, you need to be able to meditate. In any stressful situation, not only related to the war, each person knows what relieves his suffering. There are people who listen to calm relaxing music and at this time think about something pleasant. This is also a kind of meditation, unprofessional, but calming.

 In the grip of stress: how to help yourself and your loved ones

br /> There are people who sit down to read their favorite book, include a nice series that is not related to war and murder. Sports help someone, personally walking at a fast pace near the sea helps me.

4. So, is it worth using what used to help, your own proven methods?

– Yes, because each of us knows what helps him. Especially the residents of Israel, who more than once experienced hostilities and terrorist attacks in one way or another and coped with it.

5. Maybe valerian and other sedative medicines can help here? Alcohol finally?

– Alcohol is highly discouraged, people get used to it, and this often develops into alcoholism. This is a bad way to deal with stress, because alcohol helps for a few hours, and then the person wakes up in the morning with a headache and a desire to drink again. Alcohol, smoking, drugs only make things worse.

 stress: how to help yourself and your loved ones

About natural remedies – valerian, preparations such as «Region» – these are very good medicines, but before taking it, it is better to consult a doctor, it is possible with a family one, so as not to miss the development of a mental problem. The same valerian will hide the symptoms and prevent the disease from being detected at an early stage. We will not pay attention that we have stress, insomnia, anxiety disorder.

But, of course, it is possible according to the doctor’s prescription. These drugs can help with mild forms of stress, and again, we must not forget that there are psychologists, social workers who practice psychotherapy. You don’t have to look for drugs right away. Sometimes just a few sessions of therapy can solve the problem. There is a short cognitive therapy that helps a person learn to manage stress and anxiety on their own.

 In the grip of stress: how to help yourself and your loved ones

6. Do actions aimed at helping the victims help morale?7. When should an adult seek professional advice?

– An adult must make his own decision. If it is difficult for him to get up in the morning, he misses work, does not function there as expected, receives reprimands, cannot fully perform his duties and leaves in the middle of the working day – this is the first sign that you need to seek qualified help.

 In the grip of stress: how to help yourself and your loved ones

br /> Second – it’s insomnia. In general, a full-fledged healthy sleep – it is a guarantee of mental stability for adults and children. If a person wakes up early in the morning or at night and cannot fall asleep, he has terrible and disturbing dreams – these are sure signs of a disorder.

The third sign – a decrease in appetite when a person loses weight or, on the contrary, seizes grief with food.

Unreasonable crying and irascibility are also signals. In general, when a person feels that he is losing control of himself, in this case it is worth contacting a specialist.

draws your attention to the fact that the owners of the insurance “Maccabi walked” are entitled to 3 subsidized consultations per year with a private specialist, including a psychiatrist, the amount of the subsidy – 80%. People aged 65+ are eligible for 5 such consultations.

In addition, members of the Maccabi Health Insurance Fund if necessary, they can seek psychological help from a Maccabi psychologist or social worker.

To get detailed information about the Maccabi Health Insurance Fund, as well as to go or sign up for the first time, you can follow the link. Just leave your details, and the cashier’s representatives will contact you and do everything necessary.

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