Foods That Can Actually Make You Calmer – The List

This might be your “something new” for the day. Out of all of the bell peppers, can you guess which one is the healthiest? According to WebMD, it would be red peppers. Although all of them are packed with vitamins A and C, along with folic acid, fiber, and potassium, because red peppers actually stay on the vine the longest, they tend to contain the most nutrients. For example, in comparison to green peppers, red ones have a whopping 11 times more beta-carotene and 1.5 times more vitamin C in them.

What causes these peppers to make the calming foods list is the fact that science reveals that there is a direct link between vitamin C deficiencies and fatigue and depression. Not only that, but boosting your vitamin C levels can potentially lower anxiety levels and improve your mood as well (via Mayo Clinic).

However, do take note that if vitamin C is what you’re after, you should lightly cook these types of peppers. Livestrong shares that heat can actually reduce this nutrient’s potency, so the crisper this particular food is, the better.

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